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Echidna (Mother)
Aka : the Winter Snake Goddess

Origin: Gaia and Tartarus (Pondus) are her parents. Other myths say that she is the offspring of Callirrhoe and Chrysaor.  

Description: Echidna is the mixture of a serpent and a woman, a beautiful fair-faced nymph from the waist up, but a horrible serpent below. She grew up in her cave and used her beautiful head and torso to lure men but once they were trapped, her serpent nature took over and she ate them raw.
Echidna mated with the storm god Typhon and gave birth to a great lot of famous monsters: Chimaera, the Hydra of Lernae, the dragons of Colchis and the garden of the Hesperides, the Gorgons, the eagle that eats Prometheus’ liver, Cerberus and its brother Orthrus the dog of Geryon who mated with his own mother and become the father of the lion of Nemea and the Sphinx,

The hundred-eyed Argos kills Echida in her sleep to prevent her from eating him as she has eaten other travelers.

The serpent woman and her offsprings were held responsible for most of the chaos and hardship that existed in the world. Christian symbolism turned her into a notorious prostitute whose visible attraction do not conceal her shameful lower nature.

Typhon (Father)

The last son of Gaia, fathered by Tartarus, Typhon was, with his mate Echidna, the father of many famous monsters.
Typhon was the largest and most grotesque of all creatures that have ever lived. He was so tall that he towered over the highest mountains, and his head often brushed the stars. He was of human form down to his thighs, but he had huge snake coils instead of legs. When the coils were drawn out, they reached all the way to his head and let out a loud hissing.
A hundred dragons’ heads sprung from his shoulders and his body was covered with feathers. His body was winged: scruffy hair streamed on the wind from his head and cheeks; and fire flashed from his eyes.
 He made sounds of a bull, lion, and dog, and has even been said to have made hissing sounds like a snake
After the defeat of the Giants against the Olympian gods, Gaia brought forth Typhon, a super-Giant. He was larger and stronger that any of Earth's other children.
One time Typhon challenged the heavens and the gods were so frightened by Typhon's features that they fled to Egypt and disguised themselves among the wild. Only Athena stood her ground and accused the Great Zeus of cowardice.
Zeus had to defend Mount Olympus so he threw bolts of lightning at Typhon. Typhon fought back with force and cut off several of Zeus' muscles from his hands and feet, leaving him helpless.
Typhon had his sister, Delphyne, guard the muscles in a cave, but Hermes and Pan tricked her and the muscles were returned to Zeus. Zeus became even more distraught and threw more thunderbolts at Typhon. Typhon fled around the world and in Sicily Zeus threw Mount Etna on top of him, which crushed Typhon. It is said to this day that the flames and steam that rise from the volcano are from Typhon.

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